Can front end separation issues in Airstreams be prevented? In today's BLOG and YouTube Video we finally address the telltale signs of front end separation (FES) that we have noticed in our Airstream and share our thoughts on this common problem.
There are a lot of theories for what causes front end separation in Airstreams. With a quick search of the internet, you can be overwhelmed quickly with a variety of opinions on the topic. While we are not Airstream engineers and we don't claim to know the cause(s) of front end separation, we have shared some of the most common theories in a previous BLOG post 👉 (Read Here) and a recent YouTube video review of the AirSafe Hitch 👉 (Watch Here). A long story short, to address our front end separation concerns, we decided to take a proactive step and complete some preventive repairs before any major damage occurred.
After much research and asking fellow Airstream owners their opinions on front end separation, we made a one day roadtrip to Ashland, VA and dropped-off the Airstream with D.J. Mastin (owner) of Broken Rivets RV Service for his expert repair service. He came highly recommended and in two short days, DJ was able to assess our Airstream, hand fabricate the required components and install them. We had planned on the repairs taking an entire week, but we were fortunate that we had the "preventive" repairs completed before any major damage occurred.
The repairs (labor and material) at Broken Rivets RV Service was ~ $2,200 (including a few other minor repairs). We also had him replace a handle on the shower vent and well as inspect the wheel bearings and brakes while the Airstream was in the shop (more to follow on the brakes). We also had to overcome a dead battery on our roadtrip to Virginia and after talking with DJ we learned something new about our onboard Airstream battery disconnect switch and onboard converter (BIG Surprise!). It would be too difficult to explain what occurred in this post so I go into greater detail in the YouTube video linked above.
If you are planning on having front end separation repairs completed to your Airstream, just know that cost can vary depending on what repairs are required. Because we were proactive in addressing a potential problem BEFORE it became a major problem the labor & material costs were on the lower end for the repair. If you live on the East Coast and want to inquire with Broken Rivets RV Service about repairs to your Airstream, you can reach DJ Mastin at (804) 994-1405 (call or text)
Happy Camping & Safe Travels
Rick & Lisa
The Wright Life